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Neptune's Harvest is an OMRI Listed organic fertilizer made from a great diversity of fresh North Atlantic fish. It is created with a unique cold process that preserves the vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and naturally occuring plant growth growth hormones. It also contains all the micro and macro nutrients naturally found in fish.
{tab Benefits}
The nitrogen and other nutrients contained in Neptune's Harvest are chelated, meaning they are readily available for plants to consume. Unlike fish emulsions, Neptune's Harvest retains the fish proteins and oils and has no unpleasant odor. University studies have shown Neptune's Harvest to outperform chemical fertilizers. The value of properly made fish hydrolysate should not be underestimated. Its and excellent fungal food resource for building and activating biomass. It is easy to handle, shelf stable for years and will not create large bursts of vegetative growth like petro-based fertilizers.
{tab The Difference}
Beware of imitations — Neptune’s Harvest is the leading manufacturer of fish hydrolysate fertilizers in the United States with extensive sales in the U.S. and throughout the world.
Remember, organic fertilizers should not be judged only by the nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium content. Its the fertilizer's capacity to create a microbial biomass in which those nutrients are stored and available when the plant requires them.
{tab Mixing and Usage}
Mixing and usage requirements for Neptune’s Harvest Fish, Fish/Seaweed Blend and Seaweed Fertilizers
Products must be stirred well
Because of the oils in the fish, it will separate, so stirring well is very important.
- You should stir drums, or bulk totes with a long clean pole or stick (broom handles for drums, and wooden planks for totes work well). For best results, stir 100 revolutions 1 way, and the 50 revolutions the other way.
- Air compressors with a hose going to the bottom, will help mix it up while you are stirring.
- You can also pump from one bung hole back in to the other and circulate the product that way.
Pumps, spray equipment and/or drip lines must be cleaned out after every use
- To assure that your equipment work it’s best and lasts as long as possible, it is extremely important to flush your equipment with clean water after using our products, as well as, prevent any clogging and corrosion issues due to oily buildup.
Do not store diluted
- Once you have mixed our products with water, they must be used up the same day. We bring our Fish products down to a pH of 3.5 in order to keep them from rotting. Once water has been added, the pH goes up so the plant can accept it. If you do store it diluted, it will still work, but will smell pretty bad.
Mix with enough water before spraying
- Each gallon of Fish or Fish/Seaweed should be mixed with a minimum of 10 gallons of water. You can add more water, but do not add less unless you find a way to raise the pH. Our Seaweed Extract is a good way to do that. If you cannot add 10 gallons of water, per gallon of Fish, you can add Seaweed Extract into the tank until you reach your desired pH level. We recommended a pH meter when in doubt.
If mixing with other inputs
- If you are mixing the Fish with other inputs, always add the Fish to the tank last. In almost all cases you can cut back on the other inputs by 25% when spraying with the Fish, because the Fish is a natural spreader/sticker, and is systemic, which means it will help take the other inputs into the plant, and down to the root system.
{tab Analysis}
Nutrients Analysis of Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizer
Elements |
Amino Acids % by Wt. |
Nitrogen |
2.23 |
Threonine |
2.29 |
Phosphorous |
4.35 |
Aspartic Acid |
5.41 |
Potassium |
0.30 |
Serine |
2.74 |
Calcium |
0.75 |
Proline |
3.07 |
Sulfur |
0.17 |
Glutamic Acid |
8.03 |
Magnesium |
0.04 |
Sodium |
0.16 |
Glycine |
6.22 |
Alaniae |
4.15 |
Iron |
26.0 ppm |
Cystine |
0.38 |
Manganese |
3.0 ppm |
Valine |
2.17 |
Copper |
< 0.1 ppm |
Methionine |
1.81 |
Zinc |
9.0 ppm |
Boron |
2.5 ppm |
Isoleucine |
1.60 |
Molybdenum |
< 0.1 ppm |
Leucine |
3.42 |
Aluminum |
8.0 ppm |
Phenylalanine |
1.67 |
Lead |
< 1.0 ppm |
Lysine |
4.16 |
Ilistidine |
1.09 |
Arginine |
3.74 |
Hydroxproline |
1.67 |
{tab Application Rates}
Directions for Fish Hydrolysate
Directions: Shake well before using. Prepare for one application only. Do not store diluted fertilizer.
House Plants: Use 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks. Do not over water.
Outdoor Plants: Use 1/8 Cup (1 fl. Oz.- 1:128) per gallon of water. Feed vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs every 2-3 weeks. Apply until soil is saturated or as a foliar feed until leaves are wet, top & bottom. It is best to foliar feed early or late in the day.
Lawns: Use 1 gallon concentrate mixed with sufficient water to cover 8000 sq. ft. Feed monthly during growing season and again in the fall.
Compost Enhancer: Use ¼ Cup (2fl. Oz.) per gallon of water every 2-3 weeks.
Seed Germination: Soak in solution of 1 teaspoon per cup of water.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take internally.
{tab Documentation}
Click here for MSDS sheet
{tab Compost Tea Ingredient}
Adding fish hydrolysate in conjunction with actively aerated compost tea yields excellent results. We suggest adding 16 ounces per 100 gallons at the beginning of the brew cycle and an additional gallon per 100 gallons of diluted compost tea to act as a back end food resource.
{tab Pastures and Hay}
Pasture Application Rates:
For optimal results, we recommend spraying:
- 2 - 3 gallons as soon as you can get out on field
- For the first two applications, it would be best to apply 3 gallons X 30 gallons water per acre. This could also depend on the quality of your soil.
[Note: After the initial two applications you could cut back to 2 gallons X 20 gallons water to maintain]
- Recommended fertilizing is every 21 days or when the grass/hay has been grazed down and/or when the animals are rotated
NOTE: Minimum applications for pasture - Every 4 to 6 week’s still shows good results with 3 gallons per acre
Hay Application Rates:
For optimal results, we recommend spraying:
- Two Gallons X 20 gallons water - when hay first comes out of dormancy
- Another 2 gallons (x 20 gal. water) 2 weeks prior to cutting - if possible
- Spray 2 gallons (x 20 gal. water) a few days after each cutting - when the hay gets up to about 2 to 4 inches high and then apply 2 gallons after every cut thereafter, and 2 gallons 2 weeks prior to cutting. This 2nd application, before cutting will really increase your RFV (relative feed value) and make the hay very nutrient dense. Animals will eat about ½ the hay when feed with the Fish Fertilizer, compared to Chemical Fertilizer, or no Fertilizer.
NOTE: For best results, try using higher amounts of fish on poor soil in the beginning, to help the overall health of the hay/pasture, this method will also help you achieve maximum results.
** Important Information: Always add a Minimum of 10 gallons of water to 1 gallon of fish fertilizer.
{tab Vegetables}
HOW OFTEN AND WHEN TO APPLY (Fish or Fish/Seaweed Blend)For vegetable crops and sweet corn we recommend you apply 3 gallons per acre 4 times a year.
1st Application: At planting. Broadcast or drip furrow.
2nd Application: Foliar spray when 1st primary leaves come out on vegetables, or on corn when plants are 8 to 10 inches tall.
3rd Application: Pre-blossom or with corn, pre- tassel.
4th Application: Pre-harvest
Never waste a trip; if you’re going to the field to spray anything add some fish to your mix. The fish will enable your inputs to stay in the soil longer and could allow you to cut your Application rates.